hiya, thank you for checking out this page! here i'll store all of the links that i'm saving for future use or have previously found helpful. this will be updated as often as i find more links to put, so stay tuned!

beginner witchcraft resources
spell collection by belladonna (like... a WHOLE variety)
orriculum's witchcraft masterpost
connecting with deities
circle casting 101
tarot resources
herb list
alchemical table of symbols
sleep sachet
the magick cabinet - incense, crystals, bottles, smudges, herbal mixes
nuitapothecary - oils, herbs, runes
the magickal cat - crystal balls, gemstones, candles, herbs, aids, mixes
13moons - wands, athames, candles, brooms, besoms, gemstones, statues, books, scrying mirrors, chalices, runes, altar tables
SoulsticeJourney crystals and stones
astrological magic
astrology terms
linda goodman's love signs
draconic magic
dancing with dragons by D.J. Conway
fae magic
how to attract faeries
faerie witch tea
faeries are welcome sigil
summoning a sleep faerie
love magic
flower moon jar spell
sea magic
sea knot wish bracelet spell
art + oc creation

80's anime style art (video)
glitch effect with sai (video)
glow effect with sai (video)
lighting the face (video)
how to shade metal (video)
character questions
visually impaired spells
spell scars

worldanvil - worldbuilding tool ***
body language
simple yet effective writing tips
limits of the human body
genre tropes

100 pink tile bgs
pixel bgs
pixel bgs 2
deviantart stamps
pixel tile backgrounds
cute.lolipop.jp graphics/pixels
angelnet.velvet.jp graphics/pixels

playmoss - makes playlists and can collect music videos directly from youtube and playlists from spotify
scratchpad.io - a realtime html + css editor
waifu2x - single-image super-resolution. reduces JPEG noise and can upscale images.
blender - open source 3d creation, completely free
cbox - makes chatboxes you can customize and use for free
eat good and cheap by leanne brown - a pdf that gives you recipes for meals that cost roughly $4.
anime recipes - recipes for foods from animes
irishcottagecafe's recipes - various cottagecore/cozycore recipes
duolingo - learn a new language
memrise - learn a new language pt 2.
2017 flower guide
jordan clark - makes DIY videos, drawing tutorials, vlogs, printables, journal setups, etc.! super relaxing and lovely //
how to toothpaste